McCall-McRae Media - Visual Storytelling by the Middle-Aged Crowd

Do You Dream About Making a Movie?


Do you dream about making a movie? Do you want to make a romantic comedy, a thriller, an action adventure or a horror film? Do you imagine accepting a gold or silver statue and delivering a warm and heart-felt acceptance speech? I do.

For as long as I can remember, I wanted to make movies, films, videos, whatever. However, growing up in Brooklyn in the 1980’s, a chance to go to film school simply did not arise. My parents and mentors pushed me towards sure and steady employment like a position with the government or a job with a bank. Even though I was well employed, I was always distracted by artistic pursuits. I bought a digital still camera and taught myself the ins and outs of Photoshop. But it wasn’t enough for me. I want to see my name on the silver screen: written by, produced by, directed by, edited by.

I bought a camcorder and learned how to create documentaries and tribute videos. Along the way I learned how to use Premiere and After Effects. Even with this knowledge, I knew there was something more for me to learn but I was unable to place my finger on it. I was unable to pull all of my skills into a cohesive whole and make something that me and my family would be proud of. Something that I would be proud to share with you.

In December 2014, I had a mid-life crisis. I questioned everything about myself. The first answers to these questions were cliches. I made decision to not be a stereotype. I took a couple of courses at a film school.

In the courses, I learned how to pull all of the pieces together: writing, producing, directing and editing. The major difference was I was collaborating with my classmates, sharing ideas, working hard and making films. So what they were short. So what they were flawed. So what they were amateurish at times. I was making movies. My dream from my youth was fulfilled 30 years later.

If you are like me, then you are looking for a creative outlet to bring more joy into your life. It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, male or female, filmmaking might be for you. If so, come join me on this journey that will include tons of hard work, but it will be ultimately rewarding.

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