McCall-McRae Media - Visual Storytelling by the Middle-Aged Crowd

V. Capers Jr.

Getting Back to (the) Story

What have I done? I abandoned my blog. Why? I needed some time, (a lot of time), to get better. Get a better understanding of the fundamentals of storytelling. I needed to understand not just what makes a story great but something far more valuable to me. How I work. What I am made of.


Fences – The Shooting Script

I admit it. I am a middle-aged person. When I grow up, I want to be a director. Why? Since childhood, I have been obsessed with storytelling, movies in particular. I find the construction of flashing imagery, the spoken word, and music the highest form of collaborative art that has been invented.  This blog is my big step into show biz.


Fences – First Choices

Why did I choose Denzel Washington as my first actor study? Its very simple, he is a great actor and has been a great actor for a very long time. Also, he has a large body of work to choose from. So the real question becomes, what performance should I choose to emulate?


Three Monolouges

One of my guiding principles is to practice in the public eye. But how do I do this? Is this really necessary? Emphatically, yes it is. Filmmaking is a very serious hobby for me right now. How will I let my audience know what I am doing? How much transparency do I need to have?


My New Title: Master Filmmaker

When moving to something new, its best to have a clear and definite destination in mind. Otherwise, you won’t make it. In the past, I attempted to make filmmaking and storytelling my primary means of making a living. Unfortunately, my plan was not fully developed. I lacked something that pushed me to the finish line. I stalled out. I suffered from paralysis from analysis.