McCall-McRae Media - Visual Storytelling by the Middle-Aged Crowd

Category Archives

4 Articles

Getting Back to (the) Story

What have I done? I abandoned my blog. Why? I needed some time, (a lot of time), to get better. Get a better understanding of the fundamentals of storytelling. I needed to understand not just what makes a story great but something far more valuable to me. How I work. What I am made of.


Three Monolouges

One of my guiding principles is to practice in the public eye. But how do I do this? Is this really necessary? Emphatically, yes it is. Filmmaking is a very serious hobby for me right now. How will I let my audience know what I am doing? How much transparency do I need to have?


My New Title: Master Filmmaker

When moving to something new, its best to have a clear and definite destination in mind. Otherwise, you won’t make it. In the past, I attempted to make filmmaking and storytelling my primary means of making a living. Unfortunately, my plan was not fully developed. I lacked something that pushed me to the finish line. I stalled out. I suffered from paralysis from analysis.